“Lee Harris is one of the purest souls and greatest visionaries of our time. The energy of his authentic and heart-centered channeled messages will resonate through your soul and guide you through these unprecedented times.”
“The Future Human is, without question, one of the most important books of our time. The depth of practical information, insights, and simple truths the Z’s offer through Lee in response to Regina Meredith’s incisive questions makes it a valuable guidebook that will serve and support our future humans in creating new ways of living and being for many generations to come.”
“Lee Harris — I only have to hear or speak his name, and eyes light up everywhere. He has touched so many lives with his writing, his channeling, his music, his creative gifts. He is a visionary who can clearly see future potentials with the utmost love and compassion. I don’t have enough words to praise Lee — he is a beautiful and gifted soul inside and out.”
“Lee Harris and Regina Meredith deliver a brilliant conversation that clearly informs, inspires, and leads us all into a new era of human consciousness. The Future Human will empower and guide us to live life with our eyes wide open and with an authentic compass of the heart. This powerful read reveals vital information and guidance to take us into the next phase of human evolution.”