
20 Something, 20 EverythingBy: Christine Hassler


A Quarter-life Woman's Guide to Balance and Direction

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“A valuable resource for women to determine their strengths and weaknesses and then to apply those discoveries toward realizing their life dreams.”
— Jane Buckingham, author of The Modern Girl's Guide to Life
“Christine Hassler has created a series of extremely valuable exercises to help women in their twenties evaluate their personal, financial, and career choices. Whether you are a confused, frantic, or amazingly satisfied twenty-something woman, this book can help you to get on (or stay on!) the path to success.”
— Jennifer Todd, film producer of Austin Powers If These Walls Could Talk , and Memento
“Written straight from the heart of the author, this book invites women to examine what defines them. A wonderful guide, 20 Something, 20 Everything is filled with practical and uplifting direction.”
— Sophie Parienti, editor in chief of Yogi Times
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