Heather Tick
Heather Tick, MD, has practiced integrative and functional medicine, with an emphasis on integrative pain medicine, for more than twenty years. A leading expert on integrative pain management in the United States and Canada, she has served as director of the Integrative Pain Treatment Center in Toronto, Ontario, since 1993.
Dr. Tick is a clinical associate professor at the University of Washington, in the departments of family medicine and anesthesia and pain medicine. In 2012 she delivered the university’s prestigious 27th Gunn-Loke Lecture, and she is the first holder of the Gunn-Loke Endowed Professorship of Integrative Pain Medicine. Dr. Tick served as assistant professor and director of the Integrative Pain Clinic in the department of family and community medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson; an adjunct professor at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College; and a consultant to Heartland Hospice in Tucson, Arizona. She has held teaching positions at the University of Toronto’s Wellesley Hospital, at St. Michael’s Hospital, and in the department of family medicine at North York General Hospital in Toronto. She is a diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, where she served on the education committee.
Dr. Tick is a well-respected researcher in the areas of pain medicine and ergonomics in the workplace. Her articles have been published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation, Canadian Human Resource Reporter, and Hospital News, and she has written a chapter on integrative pain management for the textbook Foundations of Pain Medicine and Interventional Pain Management (ASIPP Publishing, 2011). Her first book, Life beyond the Carpal Tunnel, was on repetitive strain injuries.
Dr. Tick also serves as a consultant to corporations — from Fortune 100 companies to small businesses and law firms — regarding ergonomics, health, and safety. She has worked with Accenture, Siemens, Johnson Controls, Keilhauer, Steelcase, the Ontario Ministry of Finance, and The Globe and Mail, among other organizations.
Visit Dr. Tick online at www.heathertickmd.com.