Valerie Ann Worwood
Valerie Ann Worwood is one of the world’s foremost authorities on aromatherapy and essential oils. A consultant clinical aromatherapist and author with a doctorate in complementary medicine, she has been Chairperson and Chair of Research for the International Federation of Aromatherapists. Worwood has a clinical essential oil practice in England, as well as lecturing and holding workshops around the world. Her work with essential oils has taken her down many diverse aromatic pathways — from designing skincare and spa products and treatments for international companies to creating essential oil blends for artisan chocolatiers.
Worwood has long been interested in natural medicines. Her study of essential oils was stimulated by her discovery of just how effective their medicinal qualities are, and this interest has led her to make a full exploration of all their life-enhancing qualities. No one has provided more thorough and accurate guidance to the home practitioner or professional aromatherapist than Valerie Ann Worwood.