
For an excellent introduction to the publishing process, please see Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, and Literary Agents.

Please address proposals to “Submissions Editor.”

Please send a brief synopsis; an outline or table of contents; at least two or three sample chapters, including any introduction or preface; a market assessment (a list of competing books and how your book is different); and a detailed statement of author credentials and biographical information. Please do not send original artwork, as we cannot be responsible for it. Instead, we recommend you send only copies of artwork, when appropriate. We are no longer accepting children’s book manuscripts. Also, we do not accept audio projects.

We prefer email submissions. Please include your cover letter in the body of the email and your proposal materials as file attachments. Attachments must be in Word or PDF format. The email address for submissions is:

submit (at) newworldlibrary (dot) com

When sending email to this address, please substitute @ and . in the appropriate places. We haven’t included those symbols here in an effort to minimize spam emails.

After you have emailed your submission to us, you will receive an automated response that we have received it. We will respond if we are interested in more information about your project.

Eckhart Tolle Editions: Neither New World Library nor Eckhart Tolle accepts unsolicited or agented submissions for Eckhart Tolle Editions.

Postage information for submissions sent from outside the United States: If you would like your materials returned, please include a postal coupon (for letter-sized envelopes) or a check or money order drawn from a U.S. bank. We cannot use non-U.S. stamps, non-U.S. currency, or checks drawn from non-U.S. banks. Alternatively, if you do not need your materials returned, please include your email address, and we will respond via email.

We publish high-quality books for a wide, general audience in the following categories:

  • spirituality
  • personal growth
  • women’s interest
  • religion
  • sustainable business
  • the human-animal relationship
  • Native American interest
  • the environment

Thank you for thinking of us as a potential publisher for your work.

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