Aleya Dao
Aleya Dao splits her time between Santa Barbara and the Sierra Nevada foothills north of Clovis, where she shares a home with her husband and her Akita-dalmatian, Freckles.
As a healer for more than twenty years, Aleya began her career at the age of twenty as a massage therapist and went on to get her master’s degree in Oriental Medicine. She began the first alternative healing clinic in Telluride, Colorado, The Healing Company. She moved to California in 2004 and opened her healing doors in Santa Barbara and online. In 2009 she began delivering her audio and video Cups of Consciousness meditations to subscribers all over the world.
When Aleya is not working with clients, recording meditations, or creating sound healing music, she spends time on the water with dolphins and whales; paddleboards; gardens; designs fairy compounds; and daydreams about her next creative endeavor.