Karen Koenig

Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, MEd, is a psychotherapist, educator, eating coach, and expert on the psychology of eating — the why and how, not the what, of it — with thirty years of experience teaching overeaters and undereaters how to eat “normally” and maintain a comfortable, healthy weight for life without dieting and deprivation. She is the author of five books: Starting Monday, Nice Girls Finish Fat, What Every Therapist Needs to Know about Treating Eating and Weight Issues, The Food and Feelings Workbook, and The Rules of “Normal” Eating. Three of her books are available in multiple foreign languages. Her articles and essays have appeared in Social Work Focus, Social Work Today, Eating Disorders Today, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and the Sarasota-Herald Tribune. She has been quoted in Ladies Home Journal, Berner Zeitung, the Wall Street Journal, Women’s Health, Self, Shape, Weight Watchers, In Touch, and OK magazines. She has been interviewed on TV networks and programs including ABC, FOX, WHDH, SNN (Brookline, Massachusetts), and Manatee, Florida, cable, as well as on scores of radio and internet shows and podcasts. Among other venues, she has taught seminars for Simmons College School of Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, National Association of Social Work (Massachusetts and Florida), Massachusetts Dietetic Association, National Organization for Women, Girl Scouts of America, and the Breast Cancer Awareness Association of Minnesota. A graduate of Simmons College School of Social Work, Koenig practices and teaches in Sarasota, Florida. She blogs weekly at www.eatingdisordersblogs.com, and her website is www.karenrkoenig.com.
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