Neala Shane
Neala Shane received her BA from Penn State University in religious studies. She began working on Inspired Baby Names from Around the World as a way to blend her passion for religions and names. She is fascinated by how people define and live their understanding of the divine. During her research, Ms. Shane explored a variety of religious experiences, including studying Jewish Kabbalah as well as attending Sufi and Universal Peace dances and American Indian kiva chanting and sweat lodges.
Shane also volunteered as biography editor at the University of Colorado’s Conference of World Affairs (2004–2007), which offers forums on international politics, diplomacy, science, technology, environment, spirituality, business, medicine, the arts, media, and human rights.
Shane currently volunteers as an ESL tutor for adults, and she recently tutored English in Nepal. She raised three children and is a delighted grandmother. She also recently celebrated her birthday by skydiving. Her passion continues to lie in discovering the places where universal truths intersect, as she believes that these are the sacred bridges we need in order to heal the world. She lives in Vancouver, Washington.