
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, Revised and ExpandedBy: Valerie Ann Worwood


Over 800 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health, Beauty, and Safe Home and Work Environments

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“The bulk of the book is devoted to how to use essential oils for healing and wellness. There are specific recipes and instructions for everything from work stress to head lice to spa treatments to applications for pets. It’s a perfect addition to every home library.”
— Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight
“Impressively thorough, well organized, and with a clear table of contents, Worwood’s book is easily navigable to find information symptom by symptom, oil by oil, or topic by topic (such as workplace or travel). . . . Worwood’s tone is positive and pragmatic. With benefits for whole-body health, home, and beauty, the promise of essential oils seems too good to be true, but Worwood’s research, experience, and diligent instruction, along with her calm voice, prove the might of natural oils.”
— Foreword Reviews
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