
Beyond KnowingBy: Janis Amatuzio, MD


Mysteries and Messages of Death and Life from a Forensic Pathologist

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“Real-life mystery stories, beautifully written by a physician trained in the hard science of forensic pathology. I recommend it to anyone who has ever wondered if science has defined life too narrowly. I simply love this book.”
— Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, author of My Grandfather’s Blessings
“Here’s a puzzle for you: How did a respected pathologist, who deals with autopsies, dead bodies, and mortal remains, come to believe we’re all immortal, right now? To her courage in standing up for this vision — this truth — of who we are, I bow deeply.”
— Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things
“In this latest work, Dr. Amatuzio opens the mysterious interface be-tween life and death. Carefully dissecting stories told to her by families and friends of the newly dead, this consummate investigator uncovers rich insights that heal the heart and illuminate the spirit. With kindness and candor, the compassionate coroner translates these extraordinary death narratives into lessons for the living.”
— Kathleen McMonigal, MD, pathologist, Aerospace Medicine, Houston
“If you want to open your mind, read this book and truly begin the journey of life, which does not end with death.”
— Bernie S. Siegel, MD, author of 365 Prescriptions for the Soul
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