Fast FictionBy: Denise Jaden
$9.74 – $13.56
A Guide to Outlining and Writing a First Draft Novel in Thirty Days
“This book is a must-have for writers of all levels.”
“Practical and down-to-earth, Denise Jaden’s Fast Fiction makes a one-month draft seem doable, even for beginners, any month of the year.”
“I know I’ll be using Fast Fiction over and over again. Highly recommended!”
“Fast Fiction is full of strategies and insights that will inspire and motivate writers of every experience level.”
“If you’re out to get your novel done, period, Jaden’s Fast Fiction will be the kick in the butt that gets you there, from story plan to ‘The End’. . . and beyond.”
“Fast Fiction is a great addition to any writer’s toolbox — I’ve got it in mine!”