
Riding Between the WorldsBy: Linda Kohanov


Expanding Our Potential through the Way of the Horse

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“In this stunning work, Linda Kohanov explores a powerful and exciting brand of therapy: one where the patients are two-legged but the psychiatrists have hooves! Linda examines the fascinating interchanges and psychological growth that can occur when we honor horses as our teachers and healers. Her revelations are breathtaking, and her writing is sterling. This landmark work is a celebration not just for horse lovers but for all animal lovers everywhere. Read it and treasure it!”
— Amelia Kinkade, author of Straight from the Horse’s Mouth
“Linda Kohanov has done every human a favor by helping us build a bridge of equality and respect between ourselves and another species....Certainly every highly sensitive person will be glad to know the highly sensitive horse. If you love horses and have inherited a vein of sensitivity, you must read her books.”
— Elaine N. Aron, PhD, author of The Highly Sensitive Person
“Linda has the courage to go beyond the limits of our current beliefs in order to help all beings. These conceptual and experiential stretches are just what we need in these challenging times. Cherish her insights into the remarkable healing connections with our kindred spirits and allow them to transform you. Read, learn, and blossom!”
— Allen M. Schoen, MS, DVM, author of Kindred Spirits
“Daring, deep, and right on target. Kohanov’s work with horses and healing may be startling and challenging to many mainstream horse trainers and psychotherapists, but it is a head-nodding, knee-slapping affirmation to those who have experienced — over and over again — the astounding potential of the human-animal relationship. Beautifully done!”
— Susan Chernak McElroy, author of Animals as Teachers and Healers
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