
The Boy Who Died and Came BackBy: Robert Moss


Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse

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“Moss ( Dreaming the Soul Back Home ) is an extraordinary guide to dreams and dreaming who also knows the power of storytelling. While not an autobiography, his book includes many personal stories and memories that offer rich fodder for the imagination....His ability to normalize the idea of communication and movement between this world and the next through story, and to show how reality is layered and time is fluid, is sublime....Reading this book is like embarking on a guided mystery tour through the past, present, and other worlds — and discovering the potential to transform one’s own life, as well as a path to transform the world.”
— Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“Robert Moss’ extraordinary life story, told with beauty and passion, confirms that there is life after life and will inspire all who read it to transcend the fear of death and live richer and deeper lives.”
— Raymond Moody, MD , author of Life after Life
“Sumptuous language, lush imagery, and fantastic narratives...Moss is a captivating storyteller with an eye for detail, possessed of impeccable timing....Those seeking their own answers may find a sense of direction, deep healing, or a glimmer of insight to help guide them on their own personal metaphysical quests....It’s a rare talent that can infuse the magical with the mundane in a manner that lends real weight and volume to their narratives. Moss not only possesses it, he wields it with masterly precision....Believer and skeptic alike will discover that time spent with Moss will be enjoyable and perhaps life-changing.”
— ForeWord
“The Boy Who Died and Came Back is a masterpiece. Captivated from the very first page, I could not put the book down. Robert Moss is the consummate guide to this grand multiverse in which we live.”
— Bonnie Horrigan , author of Red Moon Passage
“This wonderfully written book by Robert Moss shares the amazing story of his life and adventures in nonordinary realms. He teaches us about dreams, the multiverse, and death and shares powerful teachings to wake us up to a new awareness of just how many paths we walk through the seen and unseen worlds.”
— Sandra Ingerman, MA , author of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth
“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds. In this book, he entwines the shamanic with the classical, the mythological with the historical with gold-threaded prose. He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected — from whatever time, place, or reality. Moss’ book is a superb illustration of the restless, exuberant creativity of consciousness.”
— Julia Assante , author of The Last Frontier
“This is a thrilling personal account of the farthest reaches of human consciousness. Robert Moss shows us that our mind is more than physical, that it is not limited to the here and now. Being infinite in space and time, it is immortal, eternal, and soul-like. Moss continues to be one of our greatest explorers of consciousness. He is that rarest of authors who brings hope and meaning to every reader.”
— Larry Dossey, MD , author of One Mind
“The Boy Who Died and Came Back is a fascinating travelogue of visionary journeys into nonordinary realities. The rich spectrum of these remarkable adventures in consciousness ranges from near-death experiences, memories of previous incarnations, lucid precognitive dreams, encounters with spirits and archetypal beings, and stunning synchronicities, to shamanic experiences of psychospiritual death and rebirth. Robert Moss’ unique ability to navigate these experiences; use them as sources of inspiration, healing, and spiritual insight; and integrate them into his everyday life makes this book an invaluable guide for people interested in self-discovery, spiritual quest, and learning about the nature of reality.”
— Stanislav Grof, MD , author of Beyond the Brain, Psychology of the Future, and When the Impossible Happens
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