
The Ecstasy of BeingBy: Joseph Campbell

Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $15.96.

Mythology and Dance

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“Unusual insights . . . with a great deal of new information. [Campbell’s] writing reveals deep knowledge of dance and aesthetics, and clarity of thought. There are also excellent notes related to both Parts I and II at the end of the book, and these add to the reader’s understanding of the various issues and artists under discussion. Readers will find a great deal to think about in this small collection of Campbell’s work, and the book will also serve as an introduction to the thoughts of an important American writer — one who influenced many with his teaching, ideas, and books.”
— Journal of Dance Education
“No one in our century — not Freud, not Thomas Mann, not Lévi-Strauss — has so brought the mythical sense of the world and its eternal figures back into our everyday consciousness.”
— James Hillman
“Campbell has become the rarest of intellectuals in American life: a serious thinker who has been embraced by the popular culture.”
— Newsweek
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