The Tao of Equus (revised)By: Linda Kohanov
$11.24 – $20.85
A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation through the Way of the Horse
“Linda Kohanov’s stories about the mystery of healing and transformation between human and horse are extraordinary, magical. Linda has done her homework, and her book stands well on its research, but it dances on its stories. A book that can change minds, hearts, and attitudes.”
“This work represents an extraordinarily moving account of a gifted thinker, writer, teacher, and horsewoman who dares to venture deep within to explore the truth of the connection that merges horse, human, mind, emotion, and spirit.”
“This articulate, well-researched story brings together many disciplines of learning and weaves a magic carpet for discovery with our horses. The Tao of Equus will allow your imagination to take flight, and give you insight into yourself and your equine partner.”