
The Wolf at TwilightBy: Kent Nerburn


An Indian Elder's Journey through a Land of Ghosts and Shadows

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“Kent Nerburn offers a sensitive, insightful glimpse into a Lakota soul, a feat unattainable by most non-Native writers.”
— Joseph M. Marshall III, Sicangu Lakota, author of The Lakota Way and The Journey of Crazy Horse
“Kent Nerburn’s creative and compassionate book [is] humorous, hilarious, and at times very sad. Thank you, Kent, for a good book to read.”
— Leonard Peltier, author, artist, and activist
“Elegant, yet powerful...Nerburn crosses borders with a single-minded dedication to preserving an oral tradition. The emotional truth that resides in the rich storytelling is a testament to the strength and endurance of Lakota culture and...removes barriers to understanding our common humanity.”
— Winona LaDuke, founder and executive director of the White Earth Land Recovery Project
“The best storytellers make you feel that they are speaking directly to you, and the best-told stories resonate in the heart and soul forever. A story about the triumph of love and the spirit of a people..., The Wolf at Twilight will be permanently etched in your consciousness.”
— Dan Agent, former editor of the Cherokee Phoenix and screenwriter for Our Spirits Don’t Speak English: Indian Boarding School
“The story of this unique and captivating a remarkable gift that we are honored to receive and obligated to pass on.”
— Steven R. Heape, Cherokee Nation citizen and producer of the award-winning documentary The Trail of Tears: Cherokee Legacy
"Kent Nerburn's latest book, The Wolf at Twilight , is a combination of memoir, historical narrative, and spiritual reflection that showcases his innate flair for storytelling...It is a wonderful read for any reader who wants to learn more of our national history, who longs to connect to spirituality, or who simply wants to read a story told from the heart."
— ForeWord magazine
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