
Wild MindBy: Bill Plotkin


A Field Guide to the Human Psyche

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“Bill Plotkin’s Wild Mind ushers in a new era of depth psychology....To study it is to pass through a magical gateway into one’s unique role within the Great Work that Earth is calling us to.”
— Brian Thomas Swimme , coauthor with Thomas Berry of The Universe Story
“Here, Bill Plotkin guides us into a landscape where we recognize the extraordinary gifts of our own true nature. Through his Nature-Based Map of the Human Psyche we can find not only our powers of leadership, joy, sensuality, and renewal, but also the dragons of self-deception whose energies we can liberate for the healing of our world.”
— Joanna Macy , coauthor of Active Hope
“In Wild Mind , Bill Plotkin maps the relationship between the human psyche and the rest of nature — a task akin to painting a detailed portrait of a tree in a stiff wind. As in his other books, Plotkin writes with grace, eloquence, and humor. And through this brave effort to capture the wind, he makes an enormous contribution to our species.”
— Richard Louv , author of The Nature Principle and Last Child in the Woods
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