Adele Von Rust McCormick
With her collaborators Marlena Deborah McCormick and Thomas E. McCormick, Adele von Rüst McCormick, PhD, has designed and run a series of unique and innovative programs using horses to help people with mental illness, criminals, and individuals with drug and alcohol addiction. She is a codirector of the Institute for Conscious Awareness and cofounder of the Three Eagles Equine Experience in San Antonio, Texas, which offers courses and retreats using ancient principles and practices of kinship with horses to develop human spirituality and intuition. She is coauthor of the book Horse Sense and the Human Heart: What Horses Can Teach Us about Trust, Bonding, Creativity, and Spirituality.
A psychotherapist for over forty years, Adele von Rüst McCormick has also been founder of several treatment residences for psychotic adults and adolescents. She has been a consultant to Stanford Hospital, Belmont Hills Hospital, Presbyterian Hospital, Agnews State Hospital, and the U.S. government, along with a variety of other organizations, over the last forty years.
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