Maria Nemeth, PhD
Maria Nemeth, Ph.D., MCC, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Master Certified Coach, is an international inspirational speaker, author, seminar leader and coach. She is the Founder of the Academy for Coaching Excellence. For more than 20 years, Dr. Nemeth has trained professional coaches, ministers, clinicians, executives, teachers and private individuals using the coaching methods and skills that she has designed. Her courses and workshops have been taken by thousands of people from around the world who report significant, even miraculous, changes in their lives as a result of her teachings. Maria is the author of The Energy of Money; A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment, published by Ballantine-Wellspring in 1999, which is available in five languages. Her nine-hour audio-cassette series The Energy of Money, won the 1999 Audie Award for best Personal Development Series. She has made numerous radio and television appearances. Maria and her Energy of Money book were featured on the Oprah show. A former Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology, California State University Dominguez Hills and an Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, California State University Davis School of Medicine, she has thirty years experience in design and delivery of transformational training programs for personal, professional and organizational development. After eighteen years of teaching people how to be successful coaches, Maria founded the Academy for Coaching Excellence, an International Coach Federation accredited training program. Today, she and the faculty of the Academy work with individuals who seek to become professional coaches, and with healthcare, spiritual communities, and other for-profit and non-profit organizations seeking cultural transformation. Maria lives in Sacramento, California. At least she thinks she does. She’s been traveling around so much lately she’s not really sure.