Thomas McCormick

With his collaborators Adele von Rüst McCormick and Marlena Deborah McCormick, Thomas E. McCormick designed and ran a series of unique and innovative programs using horses to help people with mental illness, criminals, and individuals with drug and alcohol addiction. He was a codirector of the Institute for Conscious Awareness and cofounder of the Three Eagles Equine Experience in San Antonio, Texas, which offers courses and retreats using ancient principles and practices of kinship with horses to develop human spirituality and intuition. Dr. McCormick began his medical career in general practice and through this experience became even more intrigued by the mind/body connection, which eventually led to a residency in psychiatry and four decades in private psychiatric practice. He did cutting-edge training in psychiatric emergency medicine at San Francisco General, a hospital serving the violent and indigent. He also taught at the University of California, San Francisco; the University of Madrid; and the University of Seville.
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