Secrets of Great MarriagesBy: Linda & Charlie Bloom
$8.99 – $11.96
Real Truth from Real Couples about Lasting Love
“With Secrets of Great Marriages , the Blooms have captured the essence of true partnership and what it involves. These stories illustrate the essential qualities that are necessary for genuine communion with another person. This book provides compelling evidence that no matter who we are, we can develop the skills to create truly extraordinary relationships.”
“Any couple reading these stories will be inspired, challenged, and guided toward the relationship of their dreams. I highly recommend it to all couples, successful or unsuccessful.”
“Reading this incredibly enthusiastic, confident celebration of marriage is a total joy! Every couple is unique. Every story is engaging. The level of candor in which matters both tragically dire and delicately intimate are presented is thrilling. The message — commitment to love supports and sustains through difficulties — resounds throughout.”
“A fascinating and moving glimpse into twenty-seven very different happy marriages. Think of it as a primer: Marriage 101 — Daily Love.”
“Charlie and Linda Bloom use real-life stories to relate real-world wisdom to couples in all stages of relationships. Take their words as golden — they’ve walked the walk!”
“The Blooms work their special magic of evoking, appreciating, and analyzing the special alchemy of relationships and their power to test, heal, and transform.…Read, laugh, and weep in recognition — and learn nuggets you can use immediately in your own practice and your own life.”