Patti Wood
Called "the gold standard of body language experts" by the Washington Post, and credited in the New York Times with bringing body language to national consciousness, Patti Wood researches and consults on first impressions, body language, and nonverbal communication. Patti Wood, MA, CSP, speaks to Fortune 500 companies, national associations, judges, and law enforcement organizations. You can see her on CNN, Fox News, PBS, Good Morning America, the Discovery Channel, Dr. Drew's show, Bravo, the History Channel, Nancy Grace, Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition, Prime News, In Sessions, True TV, Fox Business Network, and other national news and entertainment programs. Her insights on body language and her readings of politicians, criminal suspects, and celebrities are quoted in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, Bloomberg Business Week, Fortune, Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan, USA Today, US Weekly, and People, and on, the Huffington Post, and The Week. She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, and can be reached through her website,