Beyond the Book

A Workshop with Corin Grillo

Join Angel Alchemy Academy founder Corin Grillo on February 16th for a live New World Beyond the Book community encounter. Unlock the power of The Soul’s GPS and experience a profound connection with your Divine Voice — the inner genius, guiding force that knows exactly what you need for clarity, confidence, and your deeper purpose. In this two-hour immersive experience, you’ll learn to cut through the noise of daily life and tap into an inner guidance system designed to help you navigate your personal evolution with a deeper sense of freedom, authority, and permission to live life from the inside out.



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Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat

Step beyond the mind’s noise and into stillness. Experience Eckhart Tolle’s rare, live-recorded Findhorn Retreat — now available for streaming.

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Focusing In: Episode 42

Master Time Management with Samantha Bennett & The 15-Minute Method

Check-out our latest podcast, now entitled Focusing In,  featuring Samantha Bennett, author of The 15-Minute Method: The Surprisingly Simple Art of Getting It Done.

Focusing In: Episode 42

Sam Bennett: Do the Stuff That Matters

Soul Searching

Soul Searching

Bill Philipps, a beloved psychic medium, shares how to reconnect with our higher self in Soul Searching. By tapping into the spiritual nature we had as children, Bill offers practical tools and beautifully written stories that help us rediscover our innate gifts of intuition, trust, and gratitude. He shows how embracing grief, forgiveness, and the power of intention can set us free to live, love, and thrive.
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